I love Hyères ! A nice health resort for english people.
” Visitors to Hyères will find plenty of delightful drives and promenades, and much interesting occupation can be found for those whose health will admit of their getting out.
The lovers of botany will find at Hyères and its environs a wide field for their labors; the butterfly-collector will be surprised at the number of beautiful and rare butterflies to be found in the woods.
The antiquary will visit with pleasure Pomponiana, a short distance from Costebelle, the site of an ancient Roman town, many old Roman medals, pottery, and some vases having been discovered here.
For those who have a taste for boating, or who are fond of sea-fishing, they will find their wants easily supplied.
Those who prefer golf or lawn-tennis will find an excellent golf club recently inaugurated, and lawn-tennis courts everywhere.”
Thoses activities were recommanded in a book called ” The French Riviera, Hyères, as a health resort” from Charles Edward Cormack, written in… 1892. A good reason to say : I love Hyères !