Great accomodations in Hyères

par JMS
Accomodations in Hyères

Great accomodations in Hyères is a post about the best hotels and their meals as rated by an experienced englishman.

 » The Hôtel des Ambassadeurs, in the town itself, is perhaps the best situated of ail the hotels, and is better adapted for persons of moderate means than the Hesperides and Hôtel des îles d’Or.

Its aspect is due south, and the windows command a very extensive view.

The rooms are excellent, and the attention of Madame Suzanne, the landlady, to her guests deserves the highest commendation.

In the Boulevard des Palmiers the Hôtel du Parc is well spoken of. It has the disadvantage of an open street running down at right angles to it at tbe back.

A friend who was there last winter reported that he was very well fed and lodged for nine francs a day, but that the closets were in an unsatisfactory state.

The Hôtel d’Orient, near the entrance of the Boulevard d’Orient, has a south aspect, but no garden.

The Hôtel de l’Europe, in the town near the Hôtel des Ambassadeurs, completes the list.

Prices are perhaps a little lower at Hyères than at Cannes or Menton, but the difference is not great.

The average pension would be 12 to 14 francs.

Some of the hotels give wine at the table. Provisions (meat and poultry) are abundant, and vegetables are grown in large quantities in the market gardens which lie to the south and west of the town. « 

This list from Great accomodations in Hyères goes back to …1879. It can be discovered in  » The Riviera », a book written by Edward Issac Sparks.